ox4 - Final Version
Free Software and Beyond
The World of Peer Production
Herbert Hrachovec
Herbert Hrachovec teaches at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna.
He has held scholarships and visiting appointments at the universities of Oxford (UK), Münster (FGR) Cambridge, Massachusetts (US), Berlin, Essen und Weimar (all FRG), Bergen (NO) as well as Klagenfurt (A) .
Awards for innovative teaching at the University of Vienna in 2001 and 2002.
Area of specialization: Analytic Philosophy, Aesthetics and Media Theory
He is currently deputy chairperson of the Department of Philosophy and chair of the central commitee for curriculum planning at the University of Vienna.
Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Vienna, starting June 2006
Program Director of the CATaC Conferences ("Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication") in Tallin und Nimes (2006, 2008); Scientific director of the 30. International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, Austria, August 2007
For further information see: http:/hrachovec.philo.at and http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrachovec